Bill Kules, The Catholic University of America, USA - Program Chair
Bill Kules is an Assistant Professor in the School of Library and Information Science at the Catholic University of America. His research interests include the design and evaluation of rich information interfaces to support complex information seeking tasks like exploratory search. He was an organizer of the 2005 Workshop on Exploratory Search Interfaces and a guest editor for the April 2006 CACM special section, "Supporting Exploratory Search."
Daniel Tunkelang, Endeca, USA - General Co-chair
Daniel Tunkelang is co-founder and Chief Scientist at Endeca, a provider of enterprise information access solutions. He leads Endeca's efforts to develop features and capabilities that emphasize interactive information retrieval. Daniel spearheaded the first HCIR workshop in 2007, and has been a leading industry advocate of dialog-oriented approaches to information retrieval. He publishes a blog called The Noisy Channel (http://thenoisychannel.blogspot.com/).
Ryen White, Microsoft Research, USA - General Co-chair
Ryen White is a Researcher in the Text Mining, Search, and Navigation Group at Microsoft Research, Redmond. His research interests include exploratory search, implicit relevance feedback, query expansion, log analysis, and the evaluation of search systems with humans and simulations. Ryen has authored over 70 conference and journal publications, received three "best paper" awards, and the British Computer Society's Distinguished Dissertation Award for the best Computer Science Ph.D. in the United Kingdom in 2005.